
Obsessed: Metallic Hand Tattoos!

The decorative jewellery tattoo trend started quite early in 2014 but for some or the other reason, my purchase kept getting delayed. It was only a month back that I got to lay my hands on these beauties!

Look, LOOK! How pretty they are! I will wear only these in the scorching summers instead of real jewellery. It’s quite easy to apply them. You cut your favourite design, press it on your dry skin using a damp cloth for around 30 seconds. And, then peel it off. While peeling, see that the design has got onto your skin. If not, put the sheet back and continue to press it for 10 more seconds. The tattoo sets for the entire day without getting ruined! It’s waterproof. At least these ones I bought are.

I’m definitely getting more! What about you? Did you like these?