
How To Conceal Darkness Around Mouth

Today, I have an easy but important and basic tutorial to show to you girls!
Darkness around mouth, nose is very common in us Indians. Concealing it is really!

It consists of three easy steps:
           Apply a yellow based concealer around the mouth area and tap it on. Do not rub. Only tap. I use a damp sponge for the tapping motion,
            After that, apply your foundation. You can use full coverage concealer too, to fully conceal it.
            After that, just pat on loose powder and done!
I love yellow concealer not just for cancelling out the pigmentation but also because it brightens up the face in a beautiful way. 
Kim Kardarshian is a fan of yellow concealer! Check out her picture with yellow concealer HERE
Try this out and do let me know if you have any queries 🙂