
A Very Happy New Year To All + An Update

Holas Everyone! A very Happy New Year to all of you! Hope you enjoyed your 31st night. I had my exam today, so I watched half of the 9th season of FRIENDS (Again! I think for the..? nth time?). I can just never get bore of it! Have you made any New Year resolutions? I haven’t made any because you know.. They are like “to-do” lists for the First week of January..

And, the update is that I’m introducing a “Photography tips section“. Yes, Only tips and not lessons because I’m nowhere even near a Pro.. I don’t even know the technical terms.. I keep playing with my camera and background settings and hence keep learning something new.. And, the photography tips would be in accordance only with the blogging..

I had been thinking of starting this section from a long time.. from the time I posted THIS..  I get mails more for photography related questions than makeup questions..Ehihihi.. And, I would be super glad sharing my photography tips with you all which I have acquired till date and still learning, using my Sony Digital Camera! Yes, Please believe me.. I don’t use any DSLR. People don’t believe this when I tell them that I click pictures here using a digi cam (Okie!Yes! I feel really good about that :P) I wish I was using a DSLR but I won’t be able to afford it for a long time.. I’m still on two minds whether to include the photo editing software or not.. 

I firmly believe in this ” You don’t take a Photograph, You make it!”
I think clear product pictures and accurate swatches are a must. Most are shopping online today and would be ordering products based on your swatches.You clearly don’t want to upset them. I love taking clear and creative photographs. I can’t even put up a review if I’m not satisfied with the pictures..

I just hope what I share is useful to you all.. After all, Sharing is Caring.. 😉

Oooh! Btw, I’m loving this lipstick a lot these days..Wearing it every now and then..