

*What Lovely Packaging and What a Cute mint Bow! Little Flower Petals are Inside the Bag, With a Very Nice Aromatic Scent. I’m Definitely Going Back to Forest Essentials!*

Apologies for the long absence from the blog but life’s been going on pretty harsh these days, so didn’t feel like posting at all.
And, when the going gets tough, the tough goes shopping! (Although the shopping therapy lasts only for that particular time period..Sigh!)

I majorly shopped for party wear clothes (many events this and the other month!) and the other ones, I am  posting here :

*Set of 7 Rings – Rs.465*

*Such a Cutie! – Rs.179*

I Don’t Think I’m Ever Gonna be Bored of Watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S! It’s So Hard For Me To Actually Turn It Off! 😛