
Eye Brightening Tutorial




Hey Everyone!
I thought of doing a tutorial today which is very easy. Hope you find it useful.






Some points to be kept in mind:
            Avoid using stick based concealers around the eye area as stick based concealers tend to drag the skin because of blending issues. So, I avoid using stick based concealers around my eyes.
            You can skip using moisturizer on your under eye area if you have oily lids.
            If you have very dark eye circles, it’s recommended to first use an orange based eye concealer to cancel the darkness. Otherwise, just a concealer may look ashy on your skin tone.
            You can even go for a concealer which gives a highlighting effect. Mine had got finished, so I had to demonstrate using two products. I use “Maybelline Lumi touch concealer”.
            Make sure to apply translucent powder over your lids after using concealer so that it lasts long. I have oily lids and this works for me.
**Do let me know if you have any queries* 🙂