
Diwali Gifts For Her

(Links removed due to non-availability of products)

Yes, I know Diwali is just 2 days away and it’s too late to shop for gift online. But I think if you are willing to give these beautiful gifts, your girlfriend/mother/sister/friend/wife won’t mind. After all, Sabr ka phal meetha hota hai 😛
I think the Trinklet box(12) for jewellery storage and the Guess watch would be great for your mother as well. My mother mostly has everything so what I do is that I buy handbags for her since she loves them.  And for my close friend, I am gifting her the first handbag. Really like its material. Out of these, I loved the River Island wrap watch the most.
What did you like the best? And, what are gifting to your loved ones?:)